“It’s not a faith in technology. It’s faith in people.”
Steve Jobs
I also consider myself a Mental Health Ambassador. In our fast-changing world, where every change has an enormous impact on our nervous system, taking care of our mental health becomes very important. Only a well-rested mind can create great ideas that make the world better. Therefore, prioritizing mental health and wellbeing is crucial for fostering problem-solving, creativity, and innovation.
Furthermore, I’m passionate about mentoring and supporting others in their journey. Sharing knowledge and empowering fellow developers not only strengthens the community but also fosters growth and innovation.

8+ Years and Counting
My recent talks
Title: What connects an e-stethoscope with a baby monitor?
A case study of BLE issues
Google I/O Extended with GDG3City: Embrace the AI Revolution
Title: What connects an e-stethoscope with a baby monitor?
A case study of BLE issues
Droidcon Berlin 2024
Title: What connects an e-stethoscope with a baby monitor?
A case study of BLE issues
Android Makers by droidcon 2024
Title: What connects an e-stethoscope with a baby monitor?
A case study of BLE issues
International Women’s Day with GDG3city and WTM – Impact the Future
Title: The Bright and Dark Sides of Healthcare Applications
WTM Poznań
International Women Day
Impact the future
Title: Blaski i cienie aplikacji healthcare
DevFest Collegium Da Vinci
Title: What connects an e-stethoscope with a baby monitor?
A case study of BLE issues
GDG Mobile Meetup Poznań
Title: Co łączy elektroniczny stetoskop, ze zdalną niania?
I’ve provided a series of engaging workshops for youth in Ferajna-przestrzeń edukacyjna on online safety, AI, agille, and user-friendly technology
Women Developer Academy 2023
Title: The dream of the young girl:
Android i roboty humanoidalne. Co może pójść nie tak?
Magento Live Europe
I provided behind-the-scenes technical support for a cutting-edge Pepper robot and Android app demo at Magento Live. This experience taught me how to create reliable and engaging presentations even with innovative and potentially unpredictable technology.